
UCanCode Software: E-XD++ Visualization ToolKit

UCanCode, GUI 奐敪, E-XD++ MFC Library, Objective Toolkit, Objective Grid, Objective Edit, Objective Chart, Objective Views, Objective Tools, MFC 僣乕儖, 僆僽僕僃僋僩巜ャ, 奐敪巟墖僣乕儖, 僐儞億乕僱儞僩, Microsoft 弨嫆
Links: Visual C++ Forum and Visual C++ Samples, Visual C++ Examples, Free C++ Source Code / Library with Graph Layout and FlowChart with ilog, Gauge, Visual C++ Tutorials, Visual C++ ArticlesCodeguru, with Gis Source Code With bcgsoft, addflow, with Visual C++ DrawingChart Component, calendar With Visual C++ Printing, .net / activex component with nevron diagram, there is also Database /UML Diagram Component, and C++ UML Tool, also has Graph Drawing Tools, with Report Print  Component/ Print Preview Component. all by ucancode software, ships with 100% source codes. E-XD++ had full tested with Prof-Uis and Xtreme ToolKit. The best tool for Code C++
Other Links: Printing Drawing ActiveX Control, and Network diagram component, with GIS Map Component Esri ArcGis, it contains Dashboard Gauge Diagram Component solution and Org Chart Component, with Business process diagram Component, E-XD++ also has Electronic Form Software Component. This website is also a good VC++ Programming Site. New talk on MFC Programming and MFC Gui Tool. 開発製品, 設計, 開発者, 開発環境。     

E-XD++ Visualization ToolKit 2007 version 1 儕儕乕僗両 Visual Studio .NET 2005 懳墳

UCanCode Software E-XD++ Enterprise Edition 2007 version 1 擔杮岅 擖栧僈僀僪 採嫙拞 !

GUI 奐敪偺暋嶨側晹暘偼 UCanCode Software 偵偍傑偐偣偔偩偝偄両

UCanCode Software Software 幮偺 GUI 奐敪僣乕儖 乽E-XD++ Visualization ToolKit乿 偼丄GUI 傾僾儕働乕僔儑儞奐敪偺嵶晹傪張棟偡傞偨{偵愝寁偝傟偨 MFC丄ActiveX丄Microsoft .NET 梡僐儞億乕僱儞僩惢昳偱偡丅

愱栧壠偵傛偭y奐敪偍傛傃僥僗僩偝傟偨丄僷儚僼儖偱暆峀偄僐儞億乕僱儞僩傪巊梡偡傞偙偲偱丄Microsoft 偺奜娤偍傛傃婡擻偵弨嫆偟偨 GUI 傾僾儕働乕僔儑儞傪抁婜娫偱奐敪偱偒傑偡丅

惢昳偵偼姰慡側僜乕僗僐乕僪偑娷傑傟傞偨{丄價僕 僱僗梫審偵崌傢偣y僐儞億乕僱儞僩傪廮擃偵僇僗僞儅僀}偱偒傑偡丅

XD++ MFC Library 惢昳偱偼儔儞僞僀儉椏偼昁梫偁傝傑偣傫丅

GUI 奐敪偺岠棪壔

  • UCanCode Software 偺僐儞億乕僱儞僩傪巊梡偡傞偙偲偱丄GUI 奐敪婜娫傪戝暆偵抁弅偱偒傑偡丅
  • 奐敪幰偼愱栧壠偵傛傝嶌惉偝傟偨 GUI 僐儞億乕僱儞僩傪巊梡偱偒傑偡丅
  • GUI 僐儞億乕僱儞僩偵偍偗傞僪僉儏儊儞僥乕僔儑儞丄僥僗僩丄QA丄儊儞僥僫儞僗嶌嬈偼 UCanCode Software 偵y婛偵廔椆嵪傒偱偡丅

Microsoft 偺奜娤偍傛傃婡擻偵弨嫆

  • Microsoft Excel 偺傛x側僌儕僢僪 僐儞僩儘乕儖丄僠儍乕僩婡擻傪嶌惉偱偒傑偡丅
  • Microsoft Office 偺傛x側僪僢僉儞僌 僣乕儖僶乕傗儊僯儏乕僶乕丄Microsoft Visual C++ 傗 Visual Basic 奐敪娐嫬偺傛x側僪僢僉儞僌 僂傿儞僪僂傪嶌惉偱偒傑偡丅
  • Microsoft Outlook 偺傛x側僔儑乕僩僇僢僩僶乕傪嶌惉偱偒傑偡丅
  • Microsoft Visio 偺傛x側ヤ泗@儍儞僶僗傪嶌惉偱偒傑偡丅
  • Windows XP 偺奜娤傗婡擻偵弨嫆偟偨 GUI 傪嶌惉偱偒傑偡丅


  • 偡傋y偺僐儞億乕僱儞僩偺僜乕僗僐乕僪傪採嫙偡傞偨{丄奐敪幰偼價僕僱僗梫審偵崌傢偣僐儞億乕僱儞僩傪僇僗僞儅僀}偱偒傑偡丅
  • UCanCode Software 偺 GUI 僐儞億乕僱儞僩傪巊梡偡傞偙偲偱丄奐敪幰偼傛傝懡偔偺帪娫傪價僕僱僗儘僕僢僋偵旓傗偡偙偲偑偱偒傑偡丅


  • 傾僾儕働乕僔儑儞傪偄偪憗偔巗応偵憲傝弌偡偙偲偑偱偒傑偡丅
  • 奐敪帪娫傗旓梡傪嶍尭偟傑偡丅
  • Microsoft 傾僾儕働乕僔儑儞偵弨嫆偟偨奜娤傗婡擻偵傛傝丄僄儞僪儐乕僓乕偑恊偟傒傗偡偄傾僾儕働乕僔儑儞傪嶌惉偱偒傑偡丅
  • 廫暘偵僥僗僩偝傟丄暥彂壔偝傟丄幚徹偝傟偨僐儞億乕僱儞僩偵傛傝丄埨掕偟偨傾僾儕働乕僔儑儞傪嶌惉偱偒傑偡丅
  • 姰慡側僜乕僗僐乕僪偑採嫙偝傟傞廮擃側僐儞億乕僱儞僩偵傛傝丄價僕僱僗偵崌傢偣y僇僗僞儅僀}偑壜擻偱偡丅  


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  • 惢昳偼塸岅斉偱偡丅
  • XD++ 偺崙嵺壔偵娭偡傞忣曬偼丄偙偪傜 傪偛棗偔偩偝偄丅
  • 儔僀僽儔儕拞偺僒儞僾儖 僾儘僌儔儉偼偡傋y價儖僪壜擻偱偡丅
  • 偡傋y偺僐儞億乕僱儞僩偺僜乕僗僐乕僪偑娷傑傟傞偨{丄昁梫偵墳偠丄僇僗僞儅僀}偱偒傑偡丅
  • 僾儘僌儔儉偵傛偭y偼丄僜乕僗僐乕僪偺尵岅愝掕丄 僼僅儞僩柤側偳傪擔杮岅梡偵廋惓偡傞昁梫偑偁傝傑偡丅偨偲偊偽丄XD++ MFC Library 偱僀儞僗僩乕儖偝傟傞 fores.rc 偺尵岅愝掕傪廋惓偡傞応崌丄埲壓偺傛x偵偟傑偡丅
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UCanCode, GUI 奐敪, E-XD++ MFC Library, Objective Toolkit, Objective Grid, Objective Edit, Objective Chart, Objective Views, Objective Tools, MFC 僣乕儖, 僆僽僕僃僋僩巜ャ, 奐敪巟墖僣乕儖, 僐儞億乕僱儞僩, Microsoft 弨嫆
UCanCode Software News

MFC丄ActiveX 偍傛傃 Microsoft.Net 偵懳墳偡傞僐儞億乕僱儞僩傪堦偮偺僷僢働乕僕偱採嫙偡傞丄嬈奅弶偺 Flow / Diagramming 僐儞億乕僱儞僩偱偡丅